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Antes de que Salga el Sol
(Before the Sun Comes Out)

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Antes de Que Salga El Sol - Daniel Bargach Mitre

Antes de que Salga el Sol

Sound art piece with accompanying digital illustration.

Antes de que Salga el Sol is an immersive soundwork that proposes, in an iconoclastic and metaphorical way, a journey through chants, soundscapes and myths from several neighboring cultures of the Andes and the Amazon (what is now known as Chile, Bolivia and Peru).

In this composition, the listener can hear, among other things, the

onomatopoeia of the wind in Mapundungun, the myth of the spirit of fecundity in Guarani and soundscapes of the Aymara Altiplano and Icaros de Ayahuasca Shipibos. The piece propels these sonic environments forward, allowing these sensory realities to 'walk like a condor.

Don Valentin: "How was the time before? Before the sun comes out "...

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daniel bargach mitre

Born in Venezuela. Lives and works in La Paz, Bolivia.

Mitre is a film editor and sound designer seeking to expand his area of works towards music and contemporary art.

In the past, Mitre has worked on multiple feature films and documentaries. Along with the Itinerant Audiovisual Training Workshop (TAFA), Mitre has been promoting art experiences and community creation in the Andes and the Amazon for over twelve years.

His audio materials, recorded under the pseudonym OP3RADOR, have been included by sound labels such as Bajo Perfil Records, Ombrecordlabel, Kumbale, Pilla Records, Folcore.

Instagram: @danielbargachmitre

©2019-23 by UCL Multimedia Anthropology Lab

University College London, 14 Taviton St,

London WC1H 0BW United Kingdom


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